DID YOU know that Raffi Ahmad has 60 million followers, Atta Hallilintar 30 million, Gading Martin 24 million, Irwansyah 16 million, Willie Salim 11.8 million, Meicy Villia 11.1 million, Dian Ayu Lestari 1.7 million and Ferry Maryadi 1.2 million followers on Instagram alone?

These are the names that the President invited to IKN (New Capital City of Nusantara) and rode on a motorcycle to check the progress of the toll road construction there. The celebrities then shared photos of themselves with the president on their respective accounts.

Jokowi now trusts influencers more than conventional media crews – both print, TV and online. This is the implicit impression. Although conventional media crews were invited, it seems only to complement.

Jokowi chose influencers – celebrities with millions of followers on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube – not only on the basis of his own taste, but also (it is suspected) on the advice of his political media advisors.

For this reason, conventional media crews need to be self-aware: introspective. Because the level of public trust in media news is currently relatively low. According to the 2021 Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, the average is 39%. Only 37% of respondents trust news on search engines and 31% trust news on social media.

By comparison, online media – including social media – is the most popular source of news, especially among urban people, at 89%, followed by social media at 64% To access news, smartphones are the most popular tool at 85%, followed by computers at 37%.

The level of public satisfaction with President Joko Widodo’s performance at the end of his second term is still above 75%, indicating that conventional media attacks and criticism are not being responded to by the public/people. Moreover, the presentation is sometimes sarcastic, cynical, and beyond decency.

Journalists and TV news anchors often mix facts and opinions, even make insinuations – and present more sources from the disappointed opposition camp rather than those who are supportive and objective. Taking advantage of politicians who are losing power and under stress.

The results of the Indonesian Political Indicator survey held on February 18-21, 2024, there were 76.6% of respondents who were satisfied/very satisfied with Jokowi’s performance, said the executive director of the Indonesian Political Indicator, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, in an online press conference, Wednesday (02/28), 2024.

From Litbang Kompas released the results of a national leadership survey whose samples were taken in the period May 27-June 2, 2024, which placed satisfaction with the performance of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Maruf Amin in the highest position in the last five years of their leadership.

Kompas Litbang manager Totok Suryaningtyas said this figure increased from the previous period in December 2023, which reached 73.5 percent to 75.6 percent. Jokowi’s highest satisfaction score was in April 2023, which was 82%, breaking the record of world leaders.

“The president’s performance in April 2023 was assessed positively by 82%, while 17.5% assessed it negatively. So, it seems that in the LSI data this is the highest performance of the president, the highest positive evaluation of the president’s performance by the public,” said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan.

Based on LSI and SMRC figures, the approval rating of the Jokowi-Ma’ruf administration is the highest in the world. Using data collected by Morning Consult Political Intelligence from August 23-29, 2023, Jokowi’s approval rating surpassed the record held by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi by 76%.

Jokowi’s approval rating is far ahead of Lula da Silva (Brazil, 50%), Joe Biden (U.S., 40%), Justin Trudeau (Canada, 40%), Emmanuel Macron (France, 26%), Olaf Scholz (Germany, 25%), and Mark Rutte (Netherlands, 25%).

The high level of satisfaction shows that the public’s aspirations are more supportive of the discourse on sustainability. The public tends to choose the pair of presidential and vice-presidential candidates who are seen as most capable of continuing Jokowi’s programs.

Meanwhile, the results of the Data Riset Analitika survey released at the end of January 2024 showed that 81.7% of the public were satisfied with the performance of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and as many as 9.3% of them were very satisfied with the leadership of Jokowi.

Only 14.5% said they were dissatisfied, including 2.3% who were not satisfied at all, and the remaining 3.8% did not know/did not answer. They were the ones who sent hate messages about the Jokowi government and were used as sources by the conventional media. So, Jokowi’s camp prefers influencers as the mainstay of its image. And it’s effective. [written by Supriyanto Martosuwito]