THE GOLDEN Visa scheme aims to give potential investors a chance to closely observe Indonesia, rather than ‘selling’ the nation to foreign citizens, the Law and Human Rights Ministry stressed.

“If we are talking about selling, what is being sold? It is only an entry permit. I think it (the visa) is not about selling, but to provide access for the international community to see Indonesia,” director general of immigration at the ministry, Silmy Karim, said here on Thursday (08/29), 2024. He made the statement while responding to the “Indonesia is not for sale” campaign against Golden Visa.

According to Karim, the Golden Visa provides an opportunity for investors to see the various potentials that Indonesia has. This is expected to spark their interest in contributing to the development of the national economy. Such a contribution would involve creating job opportunities and investments.

“The benefits that we get (from the Golden Visa) are that Indonesia must compete internationally to get investment and good quality revenues,” he said.

He emphasized that the Golden Visa is part of the government’s efforts to address the issue of foreign nationals potentially harming local small and medium enterprises. He referred to cases where foreign nationals have reportedly opened motorbike rental services in Bali.

Taking note of those cases, the government has issued a regulation laying down the minimum investment for foreign nationals who wish to open a business in Indonesia. “Finally, it (minimum investment) became Rp10 billion,” he concluded. [antaranews/photo special]