THE PERFORMANCE of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia is increasingly showing positive signals, where the number of foreign tourist visits in July 2024 increased by 9.42% compared to the previous month.

According to the Ministry’s Senior Expert Staff, Nia Niscaya, in “The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno” which took place in a hybrid manner, Monday (09/2), 2024, said that based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia in July 2024 was 1.31 million visits.

“Judging from the data, the number of foreign tourist visits in July 2024 gives a positive signal, namely that there were 1.31 million visits or an increase of 9.42% compared to the previous month. Meanwhile, compared to the same period last year, it increased by 16.91%,” said Nia Niscaya.

Cumulatively, the number of foreign tourist visits from January to July 2024 was 7,752,910 or grew by around 20.75% compared to the same period last year. The entry points are by air, sea, land, border posts and sea borders.

“If we look at the target of foreign tourists until July 2024 is 5,416,606, then we have a reserve of about 2 million against the target. And if we look at the upper target (limit) (of) 14.3 million this year, the achievement of 7 million has reached about 54%, this is still quite good,” Nia affirmed.

Meanwhile, for domestic tourists, in the period from January to July 2024, the number of movements reached 598.72 million. This number increased by 18.03% compared to the cumulative same period in 2023.

“Java Island still dominates because it has the largest population, and if you look at the data for domestic tourists, the modes of transportation used are land and private cars, Java Island is indeed quite supportive in terms of infrastructure, especially because there are toll roads,” she added.

For domestic tourists, Nia said the number reached 5,342,902 trips during the period from January to July 2024.

“Compared to the number (visits) of foreign tourists, which is 7.7 million, it’s as if we still have savings of more than 2 million foreign tourists. But of course, we must not be careless because this must continue to be added for foreign tourists so that the surplus of foreign tourists is even greater so that foreign exchange does not leak out,” Nia noted.

In terms of national tourist destinations, Malaysia is in first place, followed by Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Thailand. “Hopefully, we will be able to achieve our target this year,” concluded Nia Niscaya. []