MINISTER of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno supports the implementation of World Tourism Day (WTD) 2024 and International Conference on Community Service (ICCS) 2024 to be held at Trisakti Tourism Institute, Jakarta on September 27, 2024.

The event was initiated by the Indonesian World Tourism Day Foundation and Pata Indonesia Chapter with the theme “Tourism and Peace” and the sub-theme “Promoting World Peace through Community Engagement in Sustainable Tourism”.

“We are very grateful that this year’s World Tourism Day 2024 will be held together with the International Conference on Community Service 2024. And there are 200 participants who have confirmed that they will attend,” said Sandiaga in “The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno”, which took place hybrid on Monday (09/09), 2024.

Meanwhile the deputy for tourism products and organizers of the Ministry of Tourism, Vincent Jemadu, appreciated the implementation of WTD 2024 and ICCS 2024.

Vinsensius explained that this event was a collaboration between associations, business people, communities, governments and the media in prioritizing sustainable and quality tourism.

“If we look at the theme of the RPJMN (National Medium Term Development Plan) it is a sustainable, quality tourism. Now we already know that there are 4 pillars that cover the economic, social, cultural and environmental. But for quality we need academics, innovative thinking contributions related to we can develop superior human resources so that in the future this tourism really has the right impact for the community. So, if Indonesian academics are active in conducting research, making studies, our seminars can also have the potential for world-class converters,” Vincent affirmed.

Likewise, Founder of World Tourism Indonesia, Martinus Johnnie Sugiarto, said that the holding of WTD 2024 and ICCS 2024 will be filled with seminars that will present various speakers of tourism activists, academics and the Director General of the Ministry of Health.

“If I may suggest 27, it is a national holiday like Malaysia on holiday on the day they specify. I am sure this will have an extraordinary economic impact, “said Johnie.

Moreover, Vice Chancellor 3 in the field of cooperation and marketing of Trisakti Tourism Institute, Novita Widyastuti, hopes that with the implementation of this event it will be able to increase public awareness related to tourism, which plays an important role, so that the community can contribute a lot to improve the regional economy.

“And hopefully it can improve the performance of sustainable tourism,” Novita concluded. []