THE IDeaward 2024 Awards event, held at the Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, is the most prestigious awards event honoring agencies and individuals who have made significant contributions to creativity and innovation in Indonesia.

This event brings together national leaders, creative personalities and government agencies who have shown exceptional commitment to building a better future through creative and innovative ideas.

IDeaward 2024 features a number of award categories that will be given to agencies and inspiring individuals in various sectors. Below is a complete list of the nominees who made it through the rigorous judging process from the many applicants who entered and ultimately received awards:

(1). Award: Creative for Innovation in Delivering Aspirations Through Digital Media. Recipient: Dr. Indra Pahlevi, S.IP., M.Si, Head of the Parliamentary News Bureau, General Secretariat of the House of Representatives of Indonesia. ((2). Recipient: PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. (3). Recipient: Dr. TB. Asep Nurdin, S.Kom, M.Kom, Head of Communication and Informatics Service of South Tangerang City.

(4). Recipient: Mrs. Raudatul Jannah, SKM., M.Kes, Head of PKK Team for South Kalimantan Province. (5). Award: Creative for Collaborative Public Services with Business Entities. Recipient: Dr. Andreas Dipi Patria, S.Pi., M.Si, Head of the Communication Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment.

(6). Recipient: Prof. Dr. Drs. Akmal Malik, M.Si, Acting Governor of East Kalimantan. (7). Recipient: Soetriningsih S.Sos., M.Si, Director of Communication, Information & Education, National Population and Family Planning Agency. (7). Award: Creative & Inspirational Figure of the Regional Government. Recipient: Prof. Dr. (H.C.) Olly Dondokambey, S.E., Governor of North Sulawesi.

(8). Recipient: Sularto, Deputy Head of Corporate Secretariat Division of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani. (9). Award: Creative for Community Engagement and Collaboration. Recipient: Hilmar Farid. (10). Award: Creative for Local Heritage and Tourism. Recipient: Nadiem Makarim. (11). Award: Creative for Community Engagement and Collaboration. Recipient: ST. Burhanudin, Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia.

(12). Award: Creative for Innovative Leader in National Development. Recipient: Prof. Dr. Ir. Fadel Muhammad, Deputy Chairman of MPR-RI (13). Award: Creative for Digital Media. Recipient: Dito Ariotedjo. (14). Award: Creative for Architectural Design. Recipient: Basuki Hadimuljono. ((15). Award: Creative for Community Engagement and Collaboration. Recipient: Fiki Satari. (15). Award: Creative for Sustainability and Environmental Creativity. Recipient: Sigit Reliantoro.

This event not only recognizes innovators and leaders in their fields, but also becomes an inspiration for participants to continue to encourage creative ideas that can build the future of Indonesia. We believe that the spirit of innovation demonstrated by these winners will have a greater impact on society.

On this occasion, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, who also presented the Idea Awards, said a number of personalities who are considered to have presented creative and innovative ideas. Some of these personalities are Attorney General ST. Burhanuddin; Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim; and Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey. []