THE APURVA Kempinski Bali has collaborated with painter Diego Berel to host an art exhibition titled “Gallery of Art: Art Beyond Boundaries” on Friday (12/30), 2024. In this exhibition, 13 paintings by Diego Berel, a individual with special needs, were displayed to show that art is the right of every individual, regardless of background or ability.
Diego Berel has shown extraordinary talent in the world of art, especially in painting. He is a true example of the spirit of diversity. His mother, Sandra Berel, said that Diego’s ability to paint began to emerge after he entered a special education school.
“After we put Diego in the school for three months, we received a report that Diego liked to paint. Once we saw that Diego had a talent for painting, we worked with the school to continue training Diego to improve his skills,” said Sandra at the Art Gallery: Art Beyond Boundaries press conference on Friday (12/30), 2024.
On that occasion, Sandra also explained that the paintings Diego produces are paintings inspired by what Diego sees and feels. Like one of the paintings that will be displayed in this exhibition, namely Balinese Penjor.
One of Diego’s works that attracted attention was a painting with the theme of Balinese Penjor, which won the first winner of artfusion at The Holy Art Gallery London in 2022. This painting was born out of his longing for Bali during the pandemic and reflects his deep love for the culture of the Island of the Gods.
Meanwhile, Melody Siagian, Director of Marketing and Communications at The Apurva Kempinski, said that the painting that was successfully exhibited at The Holy Art Gallery London in 2022 was a painting that was created because of Diego’s desire to go to Bali but was hindered by the pandemic. The process of curating the paintings for the Gallery of Art: Arts Beyond Boundaries exhibition was also completely handed over to Sandra.
“Gallery of Art: Arts Beyond Boundaries” is an art exhibition that sends a message about diversity and equal opportunities. Kempinski believes that just as art is universal, it can be enjoyed by everyone, including friends with disabilities, who are in any case equal and have equal rights,” she said.

Melody continued that a total of 13 paintings by Diego Berel, a talented young painter with special needs, will be on display at The Apurva Kempinski Bali from November 29, 2024 to mid-January 2025. This exhibition is a true manifestation of diversity and inclusivity.
“So we see that Diego is an inspiring artisan and in line with our campaign to ignite the fighting spirit of the younger generation,” Melody added.
Melody also explained that we hope that through Gallery of Art: Arts Beyond Boundaries, we can erase the stigma that still exists against friends with disabilities. Everyone deserves the same opportunity to thrive.
She concluded that this exhibition is a place for artists with special needs to develop nationally and internationally. We want to be an inspiration for future generations and promote the spirit of diversity through art, culture and tradition. []