PATA INDONESIA Chapter (PIC) will hold the International Day of Education (IDE) 2025 Kick Off Event as a first step towards the celebration of the International Day of Education on January 24, 2025. As an initial step towards celebrating International Education Day on January 24, 2025. The IDE Kick Off event was held at the President Lounge, Menara Batavia, Jakarta on Thursday (12/12), 2024.
According to Poernomo Siswoprasetijo, President and CEO of the PATA Indonesia Chapter at The Kickoff Event said the activity, themed “The Power of Youth in Building the Future of Learning”, aims to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on quality education. Declared by the United Nations since 2018, International Education Day is a global momentum to highlight the importance of education in creating inclusive, equal and sustainable societies.
“Through this event, PATA Indonesia Chapter is introducing a strategic vision to make International Education Day an annual agenda in Indonesia. This kick-off event is also a platform to introduce various programs that will be held on the main commemoration on January 24, 2025,” he said.
Poernomo explained that this event is expected to involve the government, educational institutions, community organizations, youth communities and the industry sector who are committed to supporting inclusive and quality education.
“PATA Indonesia Chapter invites all parties to support and participate in this effort as a first step in establishing a tradition of celebrating International Education Day in Indonesia. This event will involve various stakeholders including the government, industry players, educational institutions, youth communities and civil society organizations who are committed to supporting quality education and sustainable development,” Poernomo added.
However, when asked why the tourism organization (PATA) is involved in the issue of education, Poernomo immediately replied that the issue of education still faces a number of challenges, including those related to the implementation of policies at both national and international levels, for which PATA Indonesia Chapter feels responsible for the issue of education in Indonesia. The collaborative role, mutual support between educational unit communities, society and government is one of the keys to provide quality education to our students.
“For this we (PATA Indonesia Chapter) as a form of concern for education in Indonesia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 13 universities, academies, polytechnics and tourism colleges to strengthen the education infrastructure in Indonesia,” said Poernomo.

Meanwhile, Ningsih A. Chandra, Secretary General of PATA Indonesia Chapter, in her presentation said that International Education Day is celebrated every year on January 24 in recognition of the importance of education in promoting global peace and development. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly established it on December 3, 2018.
The International Day of Education supports the achievement of various goals in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as quality education that provides access to lifelong learning, gender equality through equitable access to education, and inclusive and peaceful societies through education for understanding and tolerance.
“PATA Indonesia Chapter invites all stakeholders to support and participate in this effort, as a first step towards establishing a tradition of commemorating the International Day of Education in Indonesia. “The event will involve various stakeholders including governments, industry players, educational institutions, youth communities and civil society organizations committed to promoting quality education and sustainable development,” Ningsih A. Chandra affirmed.
International Education Day promotes various global initiatives that focus on improving access to and quality of education. In recent years, organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank have pioneered programs to strengthen education infrastructure, provide adequate learning materials and support teacher training in underserved areas.
On January 24, 2025, she continued that individuals, educators, and organizations can celebrate International Education Day by supporting inclusive and affordable education. Activities can include hosting education workshops, organizing community discussions, and running social media campaigns to raise awareness of the role of education in building a peaceful and sustainable world.
“The efforts of the PATA Indonesia Chapter reaffirm the importance of investing in education to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to learn and reach their full potential. This event will invite a number of experts from universities and industry partners to share their knowledge and experience through discussions and presentations that can be beneficial to participants,” Ningsih concluded. [].