INDONESIA has visa-free access to several countries in the world, making it easier for Indonesian citizens to travel abroad. This policy not only provides convenience in traveling, but also shows good diplomatic relations between Indonesia and these countries.

Quoting from the Visaindex page, there are 46 countries that waive visa for Indonesian citizens. This policy aims to strengthen international relations while supporting the global mobility of Indonesian people.

Here is a list of 46 visa-free countries for the Indonesian passport 2025 that has summarized the information. Come on, see the full list by continent and the reasons behind this policy!

Asia dominates this list due to its geographical proximity and close bilateral relations with Indonesia, especially ASEAN countries that already have visa-free agreements. Strong diplomatic and economic relations between Indonesia and Asian countries are the main reasons for the implementation of the visa-free policy.

Here is the list of countries: (1). Brunei Darussalam, (2). Philippines, (3). Hong Kong, (4). Iran, (5). Japan, (6). Cambodia, (8). Kazakhstan, (9). Macau, (10). Malaysia, (11). Myanmar, (12). Singapore, (13). Tajikistan, (14). Thailand, (15). Timor Leste, (16). Turkey, (18). Uzbekistan, (19). Viet Nam

As one of the continents with great potential for economic and socio-cultural cooperation, several African countries also offer visa-free facilities. This visa-free regime aims to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy, education and tourism, especially with developing African countries.

Here is a list of the countries: (1). Angola, (2). Gambia, (3). Mali, (4). Morocco, (5). Namibia, (6). Rwanda, (7). Tunisia.

The Americas
Several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have strategic relations with Indonesia, both in economic and multilateral cooperation. Trade relations, culture and international cooperation, such as through the G77 forum and the Non-Aligned Movement, are the main basis of this policy.

Here is a list of countries: (1). Barbados, (2). Brazil, (3). Chile, (4). Dominica, (5). Guyana, (6). Haiti, (7). Colombia, (8). Peru, (9). Saint Kitts and Nevis, (10). Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, (11). Suriname, (12). Venezuela.

Europe has several countries that provide visa-free facilities due to diplomatic relations and strategic cooperation in various sectors. These countries have good historical or diplomatic relations with Indonesia. In addition, this visa-free policy also promotes cultural and trade exchanges with the Eastern European region.

Here is the list of countries: (1). Albania, (2). Belarus, (3). Serbia, (4).

The Oceania region, although relatively small in number of countries, also offers a visa-free policy, mainly to promote tourism and inter-island relations. These countries have close ties in terms of maritime culture and Indonesian history. This policy also encourages tourists from Indonesia to visit the Pacific region more easily.

Here is a list of the countries: (1). Bermuda, (2). Fiji, (3). Cook Islands, (4). Kiribati, (5). Micronesia, (6). Nauru.

This is the list of 46 visa-free countries for Indonesian passports in 2025. This visa-free policy reflects the close diplomatic relations between Indonesia and countries in different continents. This step also aims to increase international cooperation, expand the tourism sector, and support the economy and culture between nations. [sources/photo special]