MINISTER of Tourism, Widiyanti Putri Wardhana informed that the budget of the Ministry of Tourism for 2025 that can be used after efficiency is IDR884.9 billion.

According to Widiyanti in a working meeting with Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the Senayan Parliament Complex in Jakarta on Wednesday (02/12), 2025 said the amount of the budget was determined from the results of the efficiency instructed by the Ministry of Finance of IDR603.8 billion.

“Before the efficiency, the amount of the Ministry of Tourism’s budget ceiling in 2025 was IDR1.48 trillion, which will be allocated to central working units, tourism polytechnics, and implementing agencies of the authority,” she said.

She explained that we received information from the Ministry of Finance that after the budget restructuring, the Ministry of Tourism was asked to make an efficiency of IDR603.8 billion so that the budget that can be used is IDR884.9 billion.

Minister Widiyanti stated that with this budget, the Ministry of Tourism will continue to pursue its flagship programs for 2025, which include the Clean Tourism Movement, Tourism Digitalization Tourism 5.0, Tourism Naik Kelas Program, holding events by attracting Indonesian Intellectual Property (IP), and Tourism Villages.

She explained that the Ministry of Tourism has set a number of targets in the tourism sector this year, including 4.6% of tourism sector contribution to GDP, US$ 19-22.1 billion in tourism foreign exchange, 14.6-16 million foreign tourist visits. Then as many as 1.08 billion domestic tourist trips, as many as 25.8 million tourism workers, and the travel and tourism development index ranking reached 22.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Lamhot Sinaga said that this budget efficiency must be interpreted as a driving force so that the performance of ministries/institutions can also run more efficiently.

“In my opinion, how can we revive our friends from all levels, both levels two, three, four, and so on, to small employees, so that they don’t lose their enthusiasm for working for the nation and the country. But the spirit can use the smallest possible budget, but not ignore their performance as a state apparatus,” Lamhot concluded. [antaranews]