A TOTAL of 32 Tourism Associations on the Island of the Gods declared a commitment to implement the COVID-19 Health Protocol ahead of the open border opening of international tourism.

According to the Chairman of the Indonesia Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA) Bali, Wednesday (6/16) said the 32 associations that are members of the Bali Rise Forum are committed to each other to implement strict health protocols (prokes) ahead of the opening of the Bali border next July.

This commitment is stated in the form of a declaration of support for open borders with three important points. First, fully support the Government to reopen the Bali border in July 2021 with the implementation of procedures with strict Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability (CHSE) and safe and measurable risk management.

Second, state that they are jointly running and supervising the implementation of the CHSE process that is strict and consistent with all components of Bali tourism. Third, accept the application of sanctions if there is a violation or discrepancy in the implementation of the CHSE process in hotels, villas, restaurants, and other tourism industries.

“Based on data from the Bali Bangkit Forum, until 2021 there have been 1,137 tourism industries that have CHSE certification. This is a form of Bali’s readiness to carry out the program. This declaration is a full support for the government and at the same time helps maintain and supervise the implementation of a strict and consistent CHSE process,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bali Villa Association (BVA) I Gede Ricky Sukarta said this declaration was also a form of psychological marketing strategy for tourism actors, because Bali really hopes for the arrival of foreign tourists.

“If there are no foreign tourists, we cannot grow and develop, even though only 10-15 percent of hotel occupancy is filled with foreign tourists, we are grateful,” he added.

He added that from the other side, his party also understands the position of the central government in terms of opening borders. This is because Bali is part of Indonesia, so the case of COVID-19 is widely seen by Indonesia. After all, we as tourism actors keep trying and don’t stay silent with all the preparations made. [sources/photo special]