THE MINISTER of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, explained various strategic programs and achievements of the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, during 2020 to Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI).

In a working meeting with Commission X of the DPR RI at the DPR Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday (8/26), Sandiaga said that in 2020, the Ministry of Tourism will implement a number of programs that refer to the 2020-2024 National Creative Tourism and Economic Development Framework (RENSTRA).

“These programs aim to increase the contribution of tourism and the creative economy to national economic resilience based on quality tourism experience, creative economy-based tourism, and added value to the creative economy,” said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga said there were five subprograms implemented by the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency based on these three bases. The five subprograms are the development of tourism destinations and creative products, the development of tourism promotion and the creative economy, the development of the tourism industry and the creative economy, the development of human resources and tourism and creative economy institutions, and the development of creativity.

“To support this main goal, we are consistent and committed to advancing several main supporting aspects as follows. One, the study of tourism and the creative economy, regulations that support the development of tourism and the national creative economy, the adoption of effective information and communication technology, and bureaucratic reform of the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency,” Sandiaga stated.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in a limited cabinet meeting on April 16, 2020, President Joko Widodo gave directions for the Tourism Ministry to carry out recovery programs for the tourism sector affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, namely social protection programs for tourism workers, budget reallocation at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Tourism to activities such as labor-intensive programs, and providing economic stimulus for business players in the tourism and creative economy sectors.

“In addition, the recovery measures taken by the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency are to prepare for a new normal in the tourism and creative economy sectors, prepare destinations or others, and build public trust, increase tourist interest and create attractiveness,” he remarked.

In addition, Sandiaga said that until now the Tourism Ministry continues to improve the balance of supply and demand in the tourism & creative economy sectors. So that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy takes advantage of this COVID-19 pandemic phase to improve the supply side in the tourism sector & creative economy.

“The Tourism Ministry is improving this supply side through six steps. That is through the preparation of tourist destinations, implementation and monitoring of CHSE health protocols in the regions, creating attractions and building tourist attractions, improving the quality of tourism and creative human resources, increasing the quantity and quality of creative and creative products, and stimulating the tourism industry through coordination with related Ministries/Institutions,” Sandiaga underlined.

On the demand side, Sandiaga said the Ministry of Tourism is also trying to keep the economy spinning and create a sense of security by implementing health protocols. These efforts are building an image that creates a sense of security and comfort for tourists, providing incentives and tour packages, optimizing MICE activities of ministries and institutions in tourist destinations, and incentives to increase the purchasing power of local products.

Meanwhile, regarding the achievement of the Ministry of Tourism’s performance in 2020, Sandiaga said there were several things that had not yet reached the achievement target. Such as the tourism foreign exchange value of US$3.244 billion from the US$3.3 billion target, the creative economy export value of US$15.06 billion from the US$16.9 billion target, the creative economy added value of IDR1,134.9 trillion from the target of IDR157 trillion, and the total expenditure of foreign tourists was US$1,145.64 from the target of US$1,213.87.

“Nevertheless, tourism’s GDP contribution has managed to reach the target of 4%. Then the number of foreign tourist visits reached a total of 4.053 million visits from the target of 2.8 million-4 million visits and the number of movements of domestic tourists with a target of 120-140 million movements with an achievement of 198.246 million movements,” he explained.

It should be underlined that the target achievement data is an adjustment target based on the revised 2020-2024 strategic plan which was updated in July 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, data on the movement of domestic tourists in 2020, for example, the initial target was 310 million movements, then it was revised to 120-140 million and based on temporary data, it reached 198 million. So, when compared to the initial target, it is -36%.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Angela Tanoesoedibjo explained the budget and financial reports of Tourism Ministry for 2020. In 2020, Tourism Ministry has a budget ceiling of IDR3,684,440,605,000 with a realization of IDR3,410,271,877,209 or around 92.56%. and the remaining budget is IDR274,168,727,791.

Angela also added that based on the results of the 2020 financial report opinion issued by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy won an unqualified predicate (WTP).

“We have also followed up on all BPK recommendations from the findings in the financial statements of the Ministry of Tourism for the 2020 budget year and their implementation will continue to be monitored,” Angela concluded. []