THE MINISTER of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, held a Working Meeting with Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI). In this working meeting, Minister Sandiaga presented the Work Plan and Budget of the State Ministries/Institutions (RKA-KL) of the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Baperekraf) for 2022.

“Based on the financial memorandum of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan RAPBN TA (budget year) 2022, the Tourism Ministry/Baparekraf temporary budget ceiling is IDR3,792,417,902,000,” said Tourism Minister Sandiaga Uno.

Sandiaga Uno explained that the theme of the Government Work Plan (RKP) for 2022 is economic recovery and structural reforms. Tourism is one of the focuses, namely to accelerate the recovery and growth of the tourism sector.

In the 2022 RKP draft, two tourism recovery strategies and the creative economy have been set. Namely, the restoration of the market and the tourism industry and the creative economy, as well as tourism diversification and increasing the added value of the creative economy.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Deputy Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Angela Tanoesoedibjo, explained that the strategy for market recovery and the tourism industry and creative economy was divided into two parts, namely market recovery and industry and job recovery. Meanwhile, the strategies for tourism diversification and increasing the added value of the creative economy are market expansion, quality tourism, and increasing the added value of the creative economy

Angela explained, Tourism Ministry/Baparekraf have designed six strategic programs based on the 2022 RKP. The program in question includes the Restoration of Bali and other leading destinations such as Batam-Bintan, Banyuwangi, Bandung, and other leading tourism destinations; development of tourist villages by optimizing the potential of the creative economy as a driver of the community’s economy; and the development of priority tourism destinations which are the major projects of the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

Then the diversification of quality tourism which is a derivative of the quality tourism paradigm which is the basis for future tourism development; business recovery and development of the creative economy ecosystem carried out in accordance with Law Number 24 concerning Creative Economy; and acceleration of digital adoption in the tourism and creative economy sectors.

The six programs will be worked on by all deputies and tourism authority bodies in an integrated manner to realize quality and sustainable tourism and a sustainable creative economy.

“The work platform for adaptation innovation and collaboration and quick action (fast action), geber (joint movement), and gaspol (working on all potential employment opportunities) are guidelines for the ranks of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to design joint activities to restore the tourism sector and the creative economy,” Angela remarked.

Angela also conveyed that the target of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in 2022 stated in the 2022 RKP has been proposed to be adjusted considering the current conditions. Such as the number of foreign tourists in the 2022 RKP target of 8.5-10.5 million people with an adjustment target to 1.8-3.6 million people and various other targets.

Regarding the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for Tourism for Fiscal Year 2022, Minister Sandiaga explained, the budget ceiling set by the Ministry of Finance was IDR877.9 billion, consisting of Non-Physical DAK of IDR127.9 billion for 93 regencies/cities and Physical DAK of IDR750 billion. in 91 of the 93 districts/cities.

“In total, there are 93 regencies/cities where DAK priority areas for tourism in 2022 are located in 20 provinces determined by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. Meanwhile, the DAK Physical and Non-Physical DAK budget ceilings for Tourism for the 2022 FY are determined by the Ministry of Finance based on the amount of Transfers to Regions and Village Funds (TKDD),” Sandiaga concluded. []