THE RECOVERY steps for Indonesia’s creative economy sector are based on four pillars, namely human resources (HR), incentives, marketing expansion, and innovation for creative products and services.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno (9/10), said that human resources are the main thing in the recovery of the creative economy sector. Because HR is able to provide added value to the products and services produced, with various innovations and creativity. In addition, the provision of incentives from the government such as assistance in access to capital, marketing expansion to reach a wider market, both domestically and abroad is also necessary.

“This creative economy sector is the hope of the community, especially in the three leading sub-sectors, namely culinary, craft, and fashion. Because as much as IDR1,100 trillion is more the creative economy’s contribution to our national GDP. This is an excellent opportunity to create the widest possible employment opportunities,” said Minister Sandiaga.

In implementing these four pillars, the Tourism Ministry itself has various programs, including the BEKUP (Baparekraf for Startup) program to support the growth of digital start-ups and increase the value of the digital economy in Indonesia, through mentoring and up-skilling. Then, Tourism Ministry also facilitates training for prospective young entrepreneurs. Where prospective young entrepreneurs will be trained regarding pitching and the matchmaking process with potential investors.

Then there are the Government Incentive Assistance (BIP) program, Baparekraf Developer Day (BDD), Baparekraf Digital Talent (BDT), and Baparekraf Game Prime. In addition, there is one flagship program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy that has just been launched, namely the Indonesian Creative Appreciation (AKI).

“I myself will be the super mentor in this Indonesian Creative Appreciation (AKI), we will help publish and build networks. With this AKI program, we hope that our friends will be more enthusiastic in developing their creative economy products,” he said.

Sandiaga also shares his tips or advice for those who want to become a successful entrepreneur. Start with what we love, so we will love what we do. Then, apply the 4as; work method, namely hard work, smart work, thorough work, and sincere work.

“Do what you love and love what you do. And if you don’t dare to open your own business, network. Starting something on our own, sometimes we often feel worried, but if we collaborate with friends who share the same vision and mission, hopefully our efforts will run smoothly and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve blessings,” concluded Sandiaga. []