THE 16th session of the UNESCO session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Paris, France, on December 15, 2021, established gamelan as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.

“The gamelan inscription has been nominated by Indonesia since 2019, becoming Indonesia’s 12th cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO,” said the Indonesian LBBP Ambassador to France, Andorra, Monaco/Indonesian Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, Mohamad Oemar, in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday (12/15).

Previously, Indonesia had puppets, keris, batik, batik education, angklung, Saman dance, three genres of Balinese dance, Noken, Phinisi, Pencak Silat, and Pantun. Gamelan preservation efforts have existed for a long time and are carried out by various parties.

Since 2012, the Ministry of Education and Culture has helped provide gamelan to various studios. The local government also actively supports the preservation of gamelan through various programs such as facilitating the provision of gamelan, gamelan entering schools, gamelan festivals, competitions, parades, performances and gamelan training.

Art institutes and art studios are also active in introducing and providing gamelan training to the public. Gamelan is a traditional musical instrument that is often found in various regions in Indonesia, such as in Bali, Madura, and Lombok. The term Javanese gamelan refers generally to gamelan in Central Java.

The musical instrument is thought to have existed in Java since 404 AD, judging by the past depictions on the reliefs of Borobudur and Prambanan temples.

Gamelan is not only played for artistic performances but is also played in various traditional activities and religious rituals. UNESCO noted the value of philosophy. Gamelan as a means of cultural expression and build a connection between humans and the universe. UNESCO also recognizes that Gamelan, which is played in an orchestra, teaches the values ​​of mutual respect, love and care for one another.

Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim said I was proud of the designation of gamelan as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. From the past until now, the art of gamelan continues to be studied, developed and passed down from generation to generation.

“For the people of Indonesia, gamelan is a national identity and pride. Gamelan has even colored the treasures of musical arts in Indonesia. Not only that, gamelan music has also given great inspiration and influence to world music,” said Nadiem.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, welcomed the designation of gamelan as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. UNESCO recognition which means world recognition will improve the image of the Indonesian nation in the eyes of the international community.

“This means that our task is increasingly being demanded to preserve the cultural heritage of the gamelan. At the same time, this is also a challenge for all of us to show the world about Indonesia’s efforts to promote culture,” Hilmar remarked.

The preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is regulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 106 of 2013 concerning the Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage and Law number 5 concerning the Promotion of Culture is enacted. The law regulates the protection, development, utilization and development as an effort to promote cultural objects. [antaranews/photo special]