THE OPENING of Pelita Air’s Jakarta-Padang flight starting April 12 was welcomed enthusiastically by various groups, especially from West Sumatra tourism players. The new flight from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) is considered to increase tourism visits to West Sumatra.

According to the Chairperson of the Sumbar Tourism Village Development and Empowerment Team (TP2Dewi) Zuhrizul said that so far, the biggest obstacle for people to go on vacation or travel is the expensive ticket prices. For this reason, I appreciate the success of the West Sumatra Provincial Government in lobbying Pelita Air airlines to fly to West Sumatra with competitive ticket prices.

It is hoped that during the period outside the Lebaran homecoming moment, the price of airplane tickets will be more competitive or cheaper than before. When necessary, it can be below Rp1 million.

“During this homecoming moment, from my initial search on a number of online tickets booking applications, Pelita Air ticket prices are quite competitive or cheaper by around Rp150 thousand to Rp200 thousand compared to others. Not bad. So, of course this is good news and will have an impact on increasing tourist visits to West Sumatra,” said Zuhrizul.

He hopes that Pelita Air will increase its flights because it is believed that in the future there will be many visits to tourist villages in West Sumatra which are now good. If tourist visits increase, it will not only have a positive impact on the airline, but also on the economy of people who work in the tourism sector.

Meanwhile, Pelita Air VP Commercial Regular Asa Perkasa said that for this initial stage only one plane a day flies to West Sumatra. Pelita Air flies an Airbus A320 type aircraft with a capacity of 180 people.

“There is one aircraft used for the route to Padang. The plan starting April 12 is to fly once a day every day from Terminal 3 (T3) of Soekarno-Hatta Airport to Minangkabau International Airport,” Asa said Tuesday (04/04), 2023.

So far, the enthusiasm of passengers or migrants who will go home for Eid al-Fitr to their hometown in West Sumatra is very high. “Flights from April 18 to 21 are almost full for routes from Jakarta to Padang,” he said.

Pelita Air added a new fleet of Airbus A320 aircraft to strengthen its scheduled commercial flight business. Currently Pelita Air has 5 Airbus A320 aircraft from a total plan of 18 Airbus A320 aircraft in 2023.

Starting April 1, 2023-31 May 2023, by purchasing Pelita Air flight tickets, passengers will immediately get insurance coverage. The insurance policy can be obtained at the Pelita Air call center. In addition, free 20 kg baggage and inflight entertainment.

Pelita Air will soon open a direct flight from Jakarta-Padang. The inaugural flight and inauguration will take place at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) on April 12. [sources/photo special]