TOURIST travel activities, both domestic and international, are expanding as the pandemic status has been lifted. While on holiday to see the beauty in various destinations, tourists can continue walking while practicing the concept of environmentally friendly tourism to support the preservation of the earth.

Travel equipment brand Samsonite, in a press release received in Jakarta, Tuesday, (9/26), 2023, shared five ways that can be done to support environmentally friendly tourism.

1. Public transportation and walking
Vacationing using a private vehicle is indeed more comfortable and easier, tourists can arrange their time as they wish and it is easier to visit the places they want while traveling.

Meanwhile, vacations by transportation are believed to reduce carbon emissions and help maintain air quality. Walking more to visit nearby destinations is also beneficial for body fitness.

2. Eco-friendly accommodation
Choosing environmentally friendly accommodation in tourist destinations is also one way you can do it while on holiday. According to Samsonite, the characteristics of environmentally friendly accommodation include using environmentally friendly raw materials or products, being smoke-free, using energy-saving lamps, having a water management system and an air pollution control system.

3. Avoid single-use items
Using disposable items while on holiday is quite tempting because tourists don’t need to carry them while traveling. The item can be thrown away immediately after use.

Disposable items are generally made from plastic, which is a problem for the environment. To reduce waste, tourists can bring their own cutlery, drinking bottles and shopping bags to avoid single-use items.

4. Electronic ticket
Utilizing technology to support holiday travel can also be categorized as environmentally friendly, for example electronic tickets so that tourists do not need to print transportation tickets. Apart from transportation tickets, proof of hotel bookings is usually also available in electronic form.

5. Recycle old suitcases
Samsonite from 6 to 15 October provides a Luggage Trade-In program, consumers can exchange suitcases from various brands.

Samsonite Indonesia leader Nadya Pertiwi said the program was their mission to preserve the environment without sacrificing the fun and comfort of a holiday. [antaranews/photo special]