INDONESIA’s Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy opened a discussion space with 10 leading game companies from Indonesia through Networking Hours Gamescom 2024, in Germany, on Thursday (08/22), 2024.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, who opened a discussion space with 10 leading game companies from Indonesia through Networking Hours Gamescom 2024, in Germany, said this event was designed as a platform to establish connections, interactions and build networks among local and global game industry players. The aim is to foster productive and innovative collaborations and partnerships.

“Today is very busy, we start with meetings with Infinite, Epic Games, Xsolla, Xbox and end with networking hours. This shows that the interest of the global game industry in Indonesia is growing,” said Minister Sandiaga.

On this occasion, Sandiaga emphasized that the government’s support for the creative industry, especially the game development sector, has received more attention with the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2024 on the Acceleration of the Development of the National Game Industry.

“This regulation is expected to overcome the challenges faced by the game industry in Indonesia and promote its growth in a more positive direction. And with this Presidential Regulation No. 24, we hope that it will further strengthen its ecosystem,” he stated.

Sandiaga also explained that I saw a very big opportunity for Indonesia for three pillars, namely improving human resources, developing its talents, promoting products, and the third is funding.

Meanwhile, the Deputy for Digital Economy and Creative Products at the Tourism Ministry, Muhammad Neil El Himam, said that the Indonesian government is committed to supporting local game developers and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and collaboration.

He believes that by connecting local game developers with the global gaming community, extraordinary things can be achieved.

“I encourage you all to take this opportunity to meet our developers, learn about their projects, and explore how we can work together to push the boundaries of what’s possible in games,” Neil remarked.

A total of 10 leading game companies in Indonesia will be present at the Gamescom 2024 Networking Hours to share their visions, projects and aspirations.

“These companies represent the heart and soul of Indonesia’s games industry. Each of them brings a unique story, creativity and technological prowess,” concluded Neil. []