PRESIDENT Joko Widodo and Pope Francis delivered profound messages on the importance of tolerance, diversity and world peace during the Pope’s historic state visit to Indonesia (RI) on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. The two leaders emphasized the need to turn differences into strengths to strengthen unity, and the importance of speaking out for peace amid increasing global conflicts.

Speaking at the State Palace, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of maintaining harmony in Indonesia, which has more than 714 ethnic groups and 17,000 islands. President Jokowi emphasized the vital role of Pancasila and the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in maintaining social cohesion in a diverse Indonesia.

“Difference is a gift and tolerance is fertilizer for unity and peace,” President Jokowi said.

President Jokowi also praised the Vatican for its strong support for the struggle of the Palestinian people through calls for peace and a two-state solution. According to him, global conflicts, including in Palestine, require solutions based on justice and humanity.

“Indonesia appreciates, very much appreciates the stance of the Vatican, which continues to raise its voice, call for peace in Palestine and support the two-state solution, because war will not benefit anyone, war will only bring suffering and misery to the common people,” President Jokowi said.

“Therefore, let us celebrate the differences we have, let us accept each other and strengthen tolerance to realize peace, to realize a better world for all mankind,” he continued.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis, in his remarks, expressed his admiration for Indonesia as a country that is able to maintain unity in diversity. He praised the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which reflects how differences in Indonesia are not divisive but rather a unifying force.

“Just as the ocean of natural elements unites all the islands of Indonesia, the attitude of mutual respect for the unique characteristics of culture, ethnicity, language and religion of all groups in Indonesia is an irreplaceable and unifying framework that makes Indonesia a united and proud nation,” Pope Francis stated.

In keeping with the theme of Pope Francis’ non-political visit, “Faith, Brotherhood and Compassion,” this visit also reaffirms the commitment of both leaders to spread the message of tolerance amid increasing global turmoil, conflicts and tensions between countries. President Jokowi and Pope Francis agreed that the world must continue to voice dialogue, mutual respect, and unity as solutions to create lasting peace. [sources/photo special]