THE super premium destination Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara is promoted in the 42nd International Fair of Tourism event which takes place on February 20-23, 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia.

The activity was a collaboration between the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Belgrade and the Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority Agency (BOPLBF).

According to the Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia and Montenegro M. Chandra Widya Yudha during the opening of the International Fair of Tourism in Belgrade explained that exhibitions such as this play an important role for the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade’s strategy to promote Indonesian tourism in Serbia and the surrounding region.

“Thanks to various promotional activities undertaken, there was a significant increase in Serbian tourists to Indonesia by 40 percent compared to 2018. Noted Serbian tourists to Indonesia in 2019 were 5600 tourists,” Ambassador said.

The International Fair of Tourism is held every year and presents around 900 exhibitors and is visited by around 65,000 thousand visitors. The participation of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade in this exhibition was one of the priority programs in 2020.

Ambassador Chandra Widya Yudha explained that although Bali became a favorite destination for Serbian tourists, the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade also promoted other destinations, namely Lake Toba, Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, and Likupang as 5 Super Priority Destinations which are currently being encouraged by infrastructure development.

“Labuan Bajo is the main focus of this exhibition because it will be an important venue for the G20 Conference and ASEAN Conference. Besides BOPLBF, the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade is cooperating with Turkish Airlines, Jungle Tribe which is the TA / TO Serbia with the largest market share of tourists to Indonesia,” Chandra Widya Yudha noted.

Separately BOPLBF President Director Shana Fatina also explained, Labuan Bajo had been set by President Jokowi as a premium tourist destination. The infrastructure development is targeted to be completed by the end of 2020.

“This event is one of our momentum to introduce tourism in NTT. Besides Labuan Bajo and Flores, NTT has extraordinary tourism potential, such as Sumba and Mainland Timor. Because talking about tourism, we’re not only talking about natural attractions, but also the culture and people,” she said. []