PT ANGKASA Pura I said that currently the planning process for the formation of the Tourism and Support Holding has progressed.

Meanwhile, the process has reached the creation of a business development strategy through planning joint route synergies between airlines and airport operators and creating demand for the tourism market. In this case AP I will join forces with the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Tourism and Supporting Holding which is targeted for the issuance of its legal basis to be completed in early 2021.

According to the President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I, Faik Fahmi, this was in accordance with the direction of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises regarding the formation of State-Owned Enterprises Tourism and Support Holding through the Letter of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number S-761/MBU/09/2020 on 23 September.

The establishment of this State-Owned Enterprises holding is one of the programs included in the five priorities of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises during the leadership of Erick Thohir.

Faik explained in the letter mentioned a number of steps to increase the synergy of State-Owned Enterprises in the tourism sector and to support and optimize the potential and role of State-Owned Enterprises.

In this case, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises will establish a Tourism and Supporting Holding which aims to encourage the implementation of various integrated cross-sector initiatives, develop tourism and supporting infrastructure, increase competitiveness, and strengthen future funding capabilities.

“Currently, to support the formation of Tourism and Support Holding, we play an active role in every process of planning the formation of a holding up to the process of developing a holding business development strategy, such as planning joint route synergies between airlines and airport operators and creating demand for the tourism market,” he said.

Currently, each party is forming a task force that will prepare the platform, structure and route synergy planning together with airlines and airport operators.

There is also a task force to create demand levels. Its task is to carry out initiatives that can be carried out by holding companies in synergy with government agencies for short, medium, and long term recovery so that the results are expected to improve retail, airport and tourism performance.

The aim of establishing the Tourism and Supporting Holding has been aligned with the five priorities or five strategic objectives of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.

The five strategic objectives are, first, to accelerate inclusive economic and human resource development which includes promoting integrated mitigation and recovery of the impact of COVID-19, reducing economic and social disparities, and developing cross-sectoral capacities and capabilities.

Second, the development of national and global connectivity which includes single coordination of the development of cross-sector master plans also strengthens collective competitive advantage with value chain integration to expand accessibility and connectivity.

Third, business and market expansion includes maximizing the potential for collaboration and expansion between entities, strengthening business positions and economies of scale, and strengthening the entity’s operational and financial sustainability.

Fourth, service and operational excellence, including by increasing the safety and security of operational activities, increasing service excellence along the portfolio chain, and developing organizational agility to adapt.

Finally, optimization of portfolio management, which includes a focus on developing the core capabilities of each entity to maximize the potential for value added, portfolio efficiency through mergers/acquisitions/divestments between entities. [ special]