EAST Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province has again developed seven priority tourist destinations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The seven tourist destinations are Liman Beach in Kupang, Wolwal Village in Alor, Thousand Mouths in Rote Ndao, Lamalera in Lembata, Koanara in Ende, Fatumnasi in South Central Timor, and Pramaidita in East Sumba.

According to the Governor of NTT, Viktor Laiskodat, Friday (20/8) said that our mindset must also be changed, that the management of tourist destinations is not solely to increase local revenue, but prioritizes improving the community’s economy.

“To increase the income of residents in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Laiskodat asks the district government to increase attractions or festivals accompanied by narratives that attract tourists,” he said.

Viktor Laiskodat explained, producing local products of the best quality, attractive and have taste and high economic value. The provincial government provides supporting facilities and infrastructure at tourist sites, while other supporting facilities such as roads, clean water, electricity and communication, as well as facilitating and providing assistance to the community to become owners of existing tourism objects.

“We must be committed that starting this year and in the future NTT tourism has completely recovered and is as normal as it should be, even experiencing a surge,” he said.

For this reason, he added, the city, district and provincial governments through the intervention of existing programs and activities can support the tourism industry players to survive and be productive in this condition.

“From now on we must ensure the availability of a supply chain that supports tourism independently by reducing supply from outside NTT,” he said.

Other things that must be prepared and addressed in supporting tourism are factors that affect the creation of security and comfort, including the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure from a hygienic perspective, such as the availability and feasibility of toilets, clean water and good waste management. [ special]