LESS than 36 hours, the year will soon change. What preparations have been made to welcome the new day? Indonesian Fengsui Master, Yohan Suyangga said that 2022 is the year for families. Closer and happier family is the key to achieving prosperity in the new year.

“Be diligent to invite your family to eat, more so for your family. Be diligent in giving alms, be diligent in traveling within the country,” said Master Yohan.

Master Yohan said that humans have several main targets in life which are believed to bring happiness, namely prosperity, wealth and family. Prosperity includes having enough to eat and drink, as well as owning assets such as a house. Wealth in the form of a good financial sector, can make money, have a business or a smooth job.

Family is perfect for achieving happiness. Therefore, the new year usually begins with the hope of having a family and also offspring.

Meanwhile, 2022 will be the year of the water tiger according to the Chinese calendar. The characteristics of the water tiger are brave, full of confidence but also difficult to contain emotions.

There are things to watch out for in dealing with this kind of water. According to Master Yohan, the water tiger also has the property of stealth drifting. There will be people who are trusted but commit treason and this applies to all zodiac signs.

“The tiger is quietly drifting away. There will be a lot of back stabbing. People who have been good so far, it turns out that there will be more and more betrayals. This applies to all,” said Master Yohan.

People who are engaged in business and investment must be really wary of various collaborations. In addition, the affair of artists and officials will be open throughout 2022.

“Financial fraud and infidelity cases will be extraordinarily smoldering, disputes between officials and leaders will be revealed,” he remarked.

Master Yohan also said the characteristics of the water tiger are quite scary, especially those related to natural disasters.

“This is more frightening in terms of nature, isn’t it? Volcanoes erupt, earthquakes are everywhere, because of water. Install it everywhere, this will be a problem later in the shipping world. It will be a problem in the marine transportation world so you have to be more careful- heart,” said Master Yohan.

However, Master Yohan predicts that the Indonesian economy in 2022 will improve and become an extraordinary achievement. The economy will be better later, economic development will be an extraordinary benchmark for Indonesia. [antaranews/photo special]