Wis wayahe Jember kueren! The free translation in Indonesian language is meaning, ‘It’s time for Jember to be great’. This is the marketing tagline of the J Kueren branding program for the Jember regency government with the aim of elevating the potential and assets of Jember to the national and international levels.
At the same time finalizing preparations to host the East Java PORPprov (Provincial Sports Week) which will take place from June 22 to July 7 2022 with targets for achievement success, successful implementation and economic success.
But basically, the development of tourism in an area can not be separated from the availability of, among others: (1). Facilities and infrastructure in the tourism object, (2). Availability of transportation facilities to reach these attractions and this as a tourist attraction.
These two important points will have an influence on tourist entertainment and tourist attractions in tourist attractions with a guarantee to provide satisfaction to tourists who come to visit again in the future.
Further reviewing the development of tourism in general is essentially done on the basis of several travel motivations. Everyone has different motivations for traveling; among others include: (1). family motivation, (2). business motivation, (3). religious motivation, (4). holiday motivation, (5). Health motivation and others.
Of course, we know that a motivation is a trigger for the travel process. So basically, the decision to travel is influenced by the strength of the push factors from within a person and the pull factors that exist in each tourist destination.
Jember Regency Assets and Its Pull Factor
The name of Jember has been worldwide through its Jember Fashion Carnival. When discussing the factors that attract domestic and foreign tourists to travel to Jember Regency (pull factors), an event is not enough.
Discussing the factors that attract tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists to travel to Jember Regency (pull factors); Tourist Destinations (Tourism Destinations) are geographical areas located in one or more administrative areas which include: (1). Tourist attraction, (2). Clean, safe, comfortable public facilities, (3). Tourism facilities, (4). Accessibility, (5). Regional specialties and drinks, (6). Souvenirs to take home, (7). As well as other living activities involving or related to the community at the destination.
Of course, it is very understandable if a tourist destination has a different attraction for everyone who can visit it.
According to Head of Regent, H. Hendy Siswanto in his statement at several local medias said Jember’s assets and potential include people or human resources, nature or natural resources, culture or arts and culture, government or government and religious development programs or ulama and santri figures.
“Obviously, with the J Kueren program, there will be great opportunities for Jember Regency to be known more widely, not only in the horseshoe area, province, national and international,” he said.
He explained that with the J Kueren program launched, it will become a strategic program for the Jember Regency government. This is an effort to generate a sense of pride and optimism for the people of Jember for all their potential. With the J Kueren program, it is hoped that a prosperous Jember will be achieved through the implementation of the vision of the Jember Regency government, namely synergy, collaboration and acceleration.
So, the consequence that must be followed up consistently with full commitment is that the regency government will encourage Jember’s potential to apply these three passions as the basis for Jember’s movement in all sectors.
Marketing Study
Pull Factors that attract foreign tourists to visit a tourist destination can be considered several important points, namely: (1). The image (image) of a tourist destination with safety and comfort while traveling, (2). Reasonable prices for tourism products (market prices), (3). Culture in its various forms of manifestation, (4). Beaches in all their charms, (5). Natural beauty, (6). Extensive opportunities for relaxation, (7). The friendliness of the locals, (8). The value of memories that can be taken home.
Well, we also need to accommodate tourist complaints whose seriousness can affect tourist loyalty. In general, complaints that can be observed including elements in it include, among others, such as: (a). accommodation, (b). transportation, (c). destination, (d). and tourism infrastructure. Can we turn challenges into opportunities?
Jember has various tourist destinations in the Tapal Kuda and Meru Betiri areas. The choices include tourist destinations with types of natural tourism for adventurers, culture and fashion carnival, Jember batik, agriculture and fisheries, sports and many more that can be developed.
The combination of the main attractions of an area can be combined with other tourist destinations. In order to attract foreign tourists, it will depend on the ease of access to shorten the travel period.
The second influential factor is in terms of the availability of modern accommodation in terms of clean, comfortable with proper hygiene and sanitation rules. In this case, there are many alternative choices of hotels and inns in an area and the capacity of hotels and inns to accommodate tourists.
The third factor is the availability of transportation facilities, in this case the number of frequencies of public transportation such as buses, trains and flights. This is because to make it easier to connect between the origin points of the journey to the next destination.
Sustainable Tourism
Based on the most influential factor is the number of tourist destinations. Therefore, to develop of Jember Regency as a calculated tourist destination, it is strategic to increase the enthusiasm of the people to move forward. In this case, the target is monitored to be more than positive things from other areas in any achievement.
The Head of Jember Regent, H. Hendy Siswanto wants to carry out a discourse to develop Jember with sustainable tourism by improving the quality of its human resources. Of course, so that Jember can compete with other regions. And with the existence of J Kueren, it will help improve the skills and competencies of the community.
Is there a measurable action plan to bring in foreign tourists and foreign tourists with a variety of attractions in the form of something to do, something to see and something to buy?
At least we must agree that the development of tourist destinations is not limited by administrative boundaries. So, it is necessary to arrange clusters for the development of tourist destinations to be able to increase tourist attraction. Because with the increasingly diverse choices of tourist destinations, the cluster should not only consider the proximity of the location, but also consider the similarity of types of tourism.
The development factor for the availability of accommodation with various classes will certainly be more competitive to accompany the development of tourist destinations. If tourist destinations are growing, accommodation which is usually provided by the private sector will automatically develop because there is a visitor market.
The availability of transportation facilities in this case is very influential but smaller than the two previous factors, so airport development, additional flight routes and land and sea access will automatically be taken into account in the long term. Implementation is carried out when tourist market conditions match supply versus demand.
Transportation facilities can also be a promoting function for tourist areas with limited market potential, such as Jember Regency. No more tired excuses on the road. And what about the continuation of the Jember Fashion Carnival (JFC) which has been worldwide?