THE FOOD Market Hub released the results of a survey involving 34 restaurants and suppliers which stated that around 40% of food and beverage companies were constrained by manual business management processes.

Food Market Hub in a press release recently also said that around 30% of companies face challenges related to inventory tracking, followed by the remaining 30% having problems tracking orders.

According to the President Director of Roti Ropi, Ahmad Reza, said those who use the Food Market Hub service tell how difficult it is to manage and coordinate a business if they only rely on chat platforms, such as WhatsApp.

“Where it takes a very long time. Even for ordering raw materials, not infrequently orders that accumulate actually make the order list incomplete to read. As a result, the raw materials are not delivered to the outlets, so they are forced to take a holiday,” said Ahmad Reza.

These various factors then make food and beverage entrepreneurs continue to look for solutions. As many as 50% of respondents said that the digitalization offered by the Food Market Hub makes it easier to carry out business operations, 20% said that the Food Market Hub provides solutions for the procurement of raw materials.

“Efficiency has increased and records have become more accurate. No more cases of lost paper, forgetting to input or having to wait for data from the office, which is a manual process. Everything can be done in real time,” said Assistant Operation Supervisor Kopikalyan, Rahmawan Andyka.

Furthermore, funding is one of the features that are expected to be available in the Food Market Hub application. As many as 30% of food and beverage entrepreneurs hope to taste this feature. In addition to funding, other facilities that Food Market Hub users want are connecting with new suppliers (30%) and payment gateways to facilitate invoicing and payments (20%).

Acquisition Lead Food Market Hub, Rona Hartriant said they are preparing several new features according to customer needs.

“Currently Food Market Hub is developing and ready to carry out its first project in Malaysia. Hopefully, next year, Indonesia will be able to enjoy this funding feature,” he said, adding that the Food Market Hub was present at JIEXPO at the Food & Hotel Indonesia event on July 26-29 2022. [antaranews/photo]