WINGS AIR has increased the number of flights from Kualanamu Airport in Medan, North Sumatra to Sultan Malikussaleh Airport, North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, starting Monday (7/18).

According to the Pratama Expert Planner, Sultan Malikussaleh Airport, North Aceh, Niswan said that Wings Air serves this route Monday to Saturday or six days a week. This number has doubled compared to the previous time when Wings Air only flies three times a week.

“The latest schedule is for Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Wings Air flies from Kualanamu to Malikussaleh at 14.00 WIB. Wings Air then flew from Malikussaleh Airport at 15.20 WIB to North Sumatra. Also read: Batik Air Opens Medan-Kuala Lumpur PP Route Starting July 25, 2022,” said Niswan.

He explained that on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Wings Air flies from Kualanamu at 12.00 WIB and returns to Medan from Malikussaleh Airport at 13.20 WIB.

Airplane passengers must have a booster, he continued that the latest flight requirement is that passengers must have a third vaccine or booster. If they have not received a booster or have just been vaccinated twice, passengers must perform an antigen test which is valid for 1 x 24 hours and a PCR test which is valid for 3 x 24 hours.

“As for prospective passengers who have just had their first vaccine, they are required to do a PCR test. If the flight conditions are not sufficient, then airport authorities cannot be allowed to fly,” he concluded. [ special]