JEMBER’S Notohadinegoro Airport is ready to resume operations in early January 2023. This was conveyed by Jember Regent, H. Hendy Siswanto to a number of journalists who are members of the Jakarta’s Journalist Media Association (HAM) at Pendopo Wahyawibawagraha Jember, recently. The aim is to revive Notohadinegoro Airport in Jember Regency, East Java, which has not been operating for a long time because there are no commercial flights at the airport.

“Jember Airport will resume operations starting with charter planes. The plan is for the Jember-Surabaya charter flight route to and from two flights in one day. The aircraft used is a Cessna 208B Caravan type carrying nine passengers,” he said.

According to him, the access road to Jember Regency from Surabaya City or vice versa always causes traffic jams around Klakah District, Lumajang Regency due to narrow road sections (bottle necks), so a solution is needed to overcome this so that visits to Jember increase.

Hendy said our goal of renting an airplane was to show the airlines that there are passengers using air transportation services. The Jember Regency Government will provide a 50% subsidy for this charter flight ticket for one year.

“From here we want to show the airlines that there are many passengers in Jember and attract them to open the Jember route. Besides that, we also charter planes to show airlines that there are passengers using air transportation services from Jember, which is our concrete work,” Hendy remarked.

He also said that the plane used to go to Jember was a small type, because it adjusted to the runway for Jember’s Notohadinegoro Airport.

“We are still conflicted with permission to extend the runway with Perhutani land,” he concluded. However, he admitted that he would try to extend the runway. Currently, the way to go to Jember is by train, bus, and car travel from Jember-Surabaya round-trip. []