THE INDONESIAN Government is optimistic that Indonesian tourism will continue despite the global economic slowdown. Because we have a large enough potential for domestic tourists, this can sustain Indonesian tourism.

According to the Head of the Center for Data and Information Systems of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Norman Sasono, said I noted, domestic tourists have quite a large potential for the development of tourism in the country. This reflects on events in the past, for example the Bali bombings I and II.

“The recovery of tourism in Bali is supported by visits from domestic tourists, of course, with various programs and strategies that we have developed both through events and several other activities,” he said.

Norman also hopes that foreign tourist visits can continue even though there is a global recession which according to him will have an impact on foreign tourists. The government is targeting around 3.5 million to 7.4 million foreign tourist arrivals in 2023.

“We hope that foreign tourist visits can increase, especially from the border which has so far contributed quite a lot to foreign tourist visits, in addition to the potential market which has always been the prima donna for foreign tourist visits to Indonesia,” he said.

Regarding the tourism pattern in 2023, Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer Gaery Undarsa predicts there will be a continuation of the year’s trend during the COVID-19 pandemic such as staycations or holidays near home, without the need for airplane tickets, passports and visas.

Then, as a number of international borders have been opened, it is likely that there will be an increase in the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia.

“Even though there are many issues of an economic recession, the desire for travel will still exist because there is one demand that has been held back for several years. By 2023, vacations or tours will become one of the basic needs of some people,” he said.

Gaery added, tourism will be prioritized by the market, the customer. Let’s see what innovations we can do for Indonesia, especially for their tourism needs. [antaranews/photo special]