THE F1 Powerboat (F1H2O) race event which took place on February 25-26, 2023 in Balige, Toba Regency, North Sumatra has been completed. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno said, the total impact on money circulation during the two days of the event was estimated at IDR300 billion.

“We make sure the narrative coming out of this event is very positive, brings optimism, and proves that Indonesia can host F1 Powerboat on Lake Toba which is the pride of all of us,” Sandiaga said in a virtual press conference, Sunday (02/26), 2023.

However, Sandiaga explained, the value of money turnover was still temporary. Tourism Ministry will deploy a special team that calculates in detail the economic impact caused. In addition, the number of tourists who attend both domestically and abroad will also be recorded.

Sandiaga added, even though the F1 Powerboat event was only held for two days, some tourists extended their stay. This is because many other agendas are held on Lake Toba such as festivals and other events held locally.

“I am still in a qualitative conversation; all give a positive response. But we are still calculating. Reflecting on the MotoGP event, the economic impact caused actually reached trillions of rupiah due to the multiplier effect caused by the arrival of tourists,” he remarked.

He noticed that we are still calculating based on monitoring, such as MotoGP after being calculated and it took almost three months it turned out that the (economic) impact reached IDR5.8 trillion. [sources/photo special]