IN PROMOTING the 2023 FEALAC Youth Summit “Contributions for Climate Actions”, which will take place in Bandung, West Java, next July, Director General for America and Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Umar Hadi along with the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil gave briefings to Ambassadors of FEALAC member countries in Jakarta, potential cross-sectoral sponsors, and journalists from leading national media regarding the activity.

According to Director General for America and Europe, Ambassador Umar Hadi at Nusantara Room of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday (5/12), 2023 said since its establishment in 1999, the Forum for East Asia and Latin American Cooperation (FEALAC) has become a solid multilateral platform for maintaining and encouraging extensive collaboration among East Asian and Latin American countries.

“Indonesia and the FEALAC countries have proven to be brave in facing the challenges of relevance and ownership, which keeps the organization’s internal mechanisms running well and this involves millennials,” he said.

The July Summit will be attended by more than 70 youth from 36 FEALAC member countries who are active in climate change issues. Governor Ridwan Kamil gave a briefing in the form of an introduction to the 2023 FEALAC Youth Summit. It was explained that in the upcoming July activity the participants would visit a number of multi-stakeholder projects in Bandung, West Java, which have aspects of (a) critical land conservation, (b) disaster-resilient communities and (c) circular economy.

The standing cocktail event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was lively because the event was arranged in an interesting way by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among other things, West Javanese cultural offerings from Saung Angklung Udjo or Ega Robot Ethnic Percussion. The event also presented a simultaneous presentation on the Indonesian KOPI industry (continued) by Suryono Bagas Tani and Steve G. Hidayat. [sources/photo special]