MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy targets six thousand tourist villages to be registered by 2024. Next year, the target for tourism villages in the tourism village network will be six thousand.

According to Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said that I am optimistic that this figure can be achieved since annually, the number of tourist villages had always increased from the set target. In 2021, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is targeting 800 tourist villages in Indonesia. However, the number of villages that registered was even twice the target, reaching 1,831 tourist villages.

In the following year, the number of registered tourist villages had reached 3,419. Meanwhile, in 2023, the ministry targeted 3,500 tourist villages, but the figure exceeded the target to reach 4,573 tourist villages.

“Villages that have been registered are expected to avail convenience through the development of tourist villages in Indonesia in the future. This is thanks to the support and enthusiasm of the community. This is our commitment to make a meaningful impact and progress for the Indonesian people in the future,” Sandiaga remarked.

He noted that these tourist villages had encouraged the creation of 4.4 million new qualified workers by 2024. He also admitted that currently, the ministry’s focus until 2025 is to increase the quantity of tourist villages. Thereafter, the increase will be offset by an increase in quality.

“After that, we will really improve the quality to the world level, where we have five super priority destinations that must be supported by tourist villages,” the minister concluded. [ special]