THE MINISTRY of Tourism and Creative Economy supports efforts to promote Belitung as a priority tourist destination in Indonesia (RI), especially in the special interest tourism segment through the Belitong Another Paradise program.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno in the Weekly Press Briefing at the Sapta Pesona Building, Jakarta, Monday (9/11), 2023, explained that Belitong Another Paradise is a special interest tourism marketing program which will be implemented from 11 September 2023 to 11 August 2027. This program includes several activities, such as promoting Belitung tourism, special interest sports tourism events, community tour events, as well as making films and TV series.

“This program is one of the innovations in marketing tourist destinations in Indonesia. “As one of the rebranding efforts for Belitung, as a halal tourist destination that is attractive to foreign tourists, as well as special interest tourists from the millennial generation, professionals and young families,” he said.

Meanwhile, Didie Malik, Program Director of RD Visinema, said that Belitong Another Paradise is an umbrella program, with the making of the Yin Galema trilogy film as one of the mainstay sub-programs, which is expected to be able to attract foreign tourists to travel to Belitung.

Likewise, Deputy for Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, appreciated the Belitong Another Paradise program as a program that fully supports the marketing of tourist destinations and the creative economy.

“This program can encourage the growth of the creative economy industry which also contributes to the promotion of tourist destinations in Indonesia. “Furthermore, this program can be an inspiration for the community for the Gerakan Nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia or National Movement Proud to be Made in Indonesia and Bangga Berwisata di Indonesia (Proud to Travel in Indonesia),” concluded Marthini. []