WEST JAVA International Airport (BIJB) Kertajati has served more than 17,000 passengers since it became fully operational on October 29 2023.

According to the President Director of PT BIJB, Muhammad Singgih, said this number of passengers is a good start for BIJB Kertajati to continue to develop and become the main airport of choice for the people of West Java.

“More than 17,000 (passengers flying from BIJB Kertajati). This is quite good for Kertajati. I think people have started to use Kertajati well,” said Singgih, quoted on Sunday (11/12), 2023.

There are seven jet flight routes that move from Husein Airport to Kertajati. The seven routes are flights to and from Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Batam, Denpasar, Makassar, Medan and Palembang. Airlines that serve AirAsia, Super Air Jet and Citilink flights. Airport operators schedule operating routes every day.

Singgih explained that the Kertajati-Denpansar route is the most popular. In a day, there are three to four flights to Denpasar. Apart from Denpasar, the route to Medan and Balikpapan is quite high. The three routes are among the favorites. So, I think these are the routes that will continue to develop, apart from the existing routes, we will also see demand from passengers.

“Our airport continues to strive to improve the quality of facilities and passenger comfort. This was done to ensure BIJB Kertajati services can satisfy the community. Even though the tenants already exist, they continue to open up opportunities and continue to try to improve so that passenger comfort at the airport is more optimal, better,” he remarked.

BIJB Kertajati provides space for West Java Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to sell and promote their products. The aim is that typical West Java products can appear at BIJB Kertajati.

Singgih also invited the people of West Java to start taking advantage of the presence of BIJB Kertajati, especially the Greater Bandung and Ciayumajakuning areas.

“Let’s make Kertajati the airport that the people of West Java are proud of. Another reason to go to or via Kertajati is that it is faster, cheaper and easier,” he concluded. [sources/photo special]