NOT ONLY delicious special food, Indonesia has a variety of typical drinks that are refreshing to taste. Even some of these typical drinks have properties for body health. This is because the typical drinks of the archipelago are formulated from natural ingredients, one of which is spices.

Since centuries ago, Indonesia has been known as an abundant spice producer. Naturally, a variety of typical archipelago drinks have a delicious taste, as well as beneficial for the health of the body. Interestingly again, some typical archipelago drinks have been marketed to the global market. Obviously, this is an opportunity for the Creative Economy Culinary Subsector.

For those of you who have never tasted the freshness of the typical drinks of the archipelago, here are 10 typical drinks that should be tasted:
1. Wedang Uwuh
Drinks originating from Yogyakarta have a sweet, warm taste, accompanied by a very relief aroma of spices. In Javanese “uwuh” means garbage, which is interpreted as a drink containing leaves and spices similar to trash. This typical archipelago drink contains high antioxidants. So, that it can refresh the body, overcome colds, and smooth blood flow.

Interestingly again, Wedang Uwuh is included in the cultural heritage of non-objects by the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as being one of the Ecraf products that entered the foreign market. Starting from Canada, Jeddah, Vietnam, to Nigeria.

2. Daun Kawa
Nusantara (archipelago) typical drinks originating from Padang, West Sumatra. In Minang, Kawa is a coffee plant. So, Daun Kawa or kawa leaves are typical drinks made from dried coffee leaves, then added cinnamon, and sugar. At first glance, this drink is similar to tea, but the aroma and taste of coffee are quite pronounced. Interesting facts, kawa leaf can reduce blood cholesterol to reduce the risk of diabetes. This is due to high antioxidants in it.

3. Talua Tea
Besides Kawa Daun, West Sumatra also has other typical drinks, Yani Teh Talua. Unique, this tea is made from a mixture of chicken eggs or ducks, sugar, and lime juice. The mixture produces five unique color gradations called Limo Lenggek. This drink is often consumed at night to give warmth and restore stamina. Because it contains vitamins A, D, E, K, and protein is quite high.

4. Gaharu Tea
Still in the form of processed tea, a typical archipelago drink that you must taste the next is agarwood tea. This drink comes from Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Having a rather bitter but still refreshing taste, agarwood tea can calm the body well. Because this tea contains antibacterial that is useful for detoxification. Amazingly, agarwood tea has been marketed to Asian countries to the Middle East.

5. Sarabba
The next typical archipelago drink is Sarabba. This drink originating from Makassar, South Sulawesi is known as a warm-booist and stamina enhancer drink. Because this drink is made from ginger, sugar, coconut milk and egg yolks. Sarabba has a spicy spicy taste, and is very suitable to drink at night or when it rains. In Makassar, Sarabba is suitable to drink while eating fried bananas.

6. Ie Seureubet
Nusantara typical drinks that are quite unique and interesting to taste this one come from Aceh, Ie Seureubet. This drink is unique because it is made from pepper, cinnamon, ginger, pandanus, cloves, cinnamon, to brown sugar. Not just an ordinary drink, Ie Seureubet contains high antioxidants, so that it can improve the immune system and restore energy after the move.

7. Bir Pletok
This typical drink from Jakarta is synonymous with a strong aroma of spices and bright red colors. Although the name is bir or beer, this drink does not contain alcohol at all. This drink is made from a mixture of spices: cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass, fennel, cloves, chili, to cardamom. Has a spicy spicy, fragrant, and warm taste, bir pletok contains high antioxidants, and is believed to increase immunity and overcome mild flu.

8. Bajigur
The next typical archipelago drink originated from West Java, namely Bajigur. Drinks that are synonymous with warmth are made from palm sugar, coconut milk, ginger, and various spices. To make it more delicious, Bajigur is often given toppings in the form of fro or pieces of bread in it. Behind its warmth, Bajigur holds properties in maintaining the digestive system, and controls blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

9. Teh Sari Sarang Semut
A drink that is no less unique and interesting is tasted is the typical Sorong Teh Sari Sarang Semut, Southwest Papua. Having a pretty unique name, this drink is made from tubers that are used as an ant. This drink has a more concentrated taste than tea in general. Teh Sari Sarang Semut has high polyphenols and flavonoids. This drink is efficacious for launching menstruation, overcoming migraines, to high blood pressure.

10. Brem Bali
Finally, a traditional drink from Bali, which is often the offerings of traditional Balinese Hindu community ceremonies. Brem Bali is a drink with alcohol content reaching 9-25%. This traditional drink is made from the process of black sticky rice fermentation, which can take 1-6 months to get the perfect Brem Bali. Now, Brem Bali has become one of the typical souvenirs of the Island of the Gods hunted by tourists. []