THE INDONESIAN Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy invites people to travel #DiindonesiaAja (just in Indonesia) through the 2024 Gebyar Wisata Nusantara (GWN) Exhibition held at the Jakarta Convention Center on June 13-15, 2024.

Accordin to Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno, in his statement in Jakarta, said that the 2024 GWN focuses on promoting Indonesian tourism to achieve the target of 1.25 billion to 1.5 billion domestic tourist movements in 2024.

“The participation of the Ministry of Tourism in the GWN 2024 is expected to help achieve the target number of domestic tourist trips in 2024, with the value of tourism contribution to GDP expected to reach 4.2%,” Sandiaga said.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, added that the achievement of this target is supported by the national campaign of the National Movement to be Proud of Traveling in Indonesia (Gernas BBWI) with the hashtag #DiindonesiaAja.

“This campaign is an invitation to the Indonesian people to love the tourist destinations in Indonesia more. It is hoped that this will contribute to the national economic recovery and encourage the opening of new jobs,” Ni Made remarked.

She continued that participation in GWN is a form of cooperation among stakeholders in marketing tourist destinations in Indonesia.

“With information on attractive tour packages and creative economy products offered by the tourism industry to the community, it can increase people’s interest in vacationing in the country, especially as the school holidays approach,” Ni Made underlined.

At GWN 2024, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is aggressively promoting Indonesian tourism destinations, both tourist attractions and accommodation, especially those in the 10 Priority Tourism Destinations and 5 Priority Tourism Destinations. The Ministry of Tourism promotes 5 tourism industries, namely Alamendah Tourism Village, Bandung Regency, West Java; Tanjung Lesung Resort; PT. Jababeka Morotai; PT. Heha Yogyakarta Management Innovation; and one Online Travel Agent (OTA), namely Traveloka. []