THE PHENOMENON of frost (ice dew) or what is known as upas dew has again “covered” the area around the Arjuna Temple Complex, Dieng Plateau Tourism Area (KWDT), Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, for the past three days.

“Incidentally, it has been frozen again for the past three days after it rained for the past three weeks,” said the head of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) for the management of the Dieng, Sri Utami tourist attraction in Banjarnegara on Sunday (07/140, 2024.

She said that based on the results of checks, the air temperature around the Arjuna Temple complex on Sunday (14/7), at 05.30 WIB, was recorded at minus 1 degree Celsius.

In fact, Sri Utami ecplained that the area around the Arjuna Temple complex that was covered with frost on Sunday (14/7) morning was wider compared to the previous two days. If the thickness (of the frost) depends on the location, it is not evenly distributed.

She admitted that many tourists are visiting Dieng at the moment because it happens to be the school vacation and some tourists who are aware of the frost phenomenon choose to stay in some accommodations.

According to her, the tourists who stayed overnight were “hunting” for frost around the Arjuna Temple complex on Sunday (14/7) morning. According to our observations, there were more than 100 tourists hunting for frost this morning.

Sri Utami also said that based on BMKG’s forecast, the frost phenomenon in Dieng would often occur during the peak of the dry season like in previous years. Local people, relying on local wisdom, can often predict the appearance of frost, which is indicated by the weather during the day looking sunny with no clouds or rain, and in the afternoon the air temperature starts to drop.

“The air temperature yesterday afternoon was very cold, and one of the residents said, ‘Tomorrow looks like it will be thick, Bu Uut (Sri Utami’s nickname),'” she remarked.

Uut hopes that the weather conditions in Dieng will remain sunny with no rain and possible frost until the XIV Dieng Culture Festival (DCF) on August 23-25, 2024, so that it can become an additional attraction for DCF visitors.

On a separate occasion, a resident of Dieng Kulon village, Batur district, Banjarnegara regency, Alif Faozi, admitted that the air temperature felt very cold on Sunday (4/17) morning.

“In fact, when I wanted to pray at dawn, I used water heather for ablution, but the water didn’t feel warm, maybe because it was so cold. But I didn’t have time to check the air temperature,” said the head of the Dieng Pandawa Tourism Awareness Group in Dieng Kulon village.

He admitted that the frost phenomenon was a special attraction for tourists staying in Dieng. Coincidentally, now is the holiday period, many tourists come to Dieng and some of them stay overnight. This morning, they were seen enjoying the frost phenomenon. [antaranews].