HOTEL entrepreneurs are still having a hard time seeing the bright spots from the lack of improvement in the cash flow conditions of companies in these sectors. Vaccination policies and programs are considered to be the two things that can save the country’s hotel industry this year.
According to the Secretary General of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), Maulana Yusran in his officially press release, Monday (6/14) said it will be increasingly difficult for business players to find ways to improve conditions because occupancy and average price per room are still below normal.
Especially, he continued with the re-escalation of the spread of COVID-19. This worsened the situation of the hotel business, which only recorded occupancy in the range of 30% and was not accompanied by company revenues, as the average price per room was not yet normal.
“So even an increase in the occupancy rate does not necessarily improve the company’s revenue because many hotels reduce the average price per room. In Semester II/2021, we are still in a difficult position to survive,” said Maulana.
In addition, he continued, hotels are currently only focused on reaching a break event point every month. In other words, the target of hotel owners in the country is still far from making a profit. As a sector that relies on people’s movements, the current condition of the spread of COVID-19 makes hotels vulnerable to policies such as movement restrictions and will make the business in the future a high risk.
“We hope that the government will think about how the pattern of resolving the COVID-19 pandemic can really coexist with economic recovery. Maybe by working together with the community to suppress the spread of COVID-19,” he noted.
In addition, the government is also asked to distribute the tourism vaccination program evenly because so far it is considered not to accommodate all tourist destinations in the country. [sources/photo special]