PENGLIPURAN Village, Bangli Regency, Bali Province is already well-known throughout the country as the cleanest village in the world. This village is also often an eco-friendly tourist destination for residents who want to feel the cool, fresh, beautiful and waste-free rural air.

But in this village, it doesn’t only have value in terms of cleanliness, as well as tourism. This village really upholds gender equality. Both men and women work together in building the family economy.

Astri Widyani, a resident of Panglipuran Village, also works making canang offerings to sell, in order to help her husband, who works as an honorary teacher.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, we couldn’t do anything, just stay at home but the kitchen had to be bubbling. So I made canangs, some were still able to go to the fields, so they returned to the fields,” said Astri.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the village did rely on tourism and the sale of souvenirs typical of Panglipuran Village such as accessories, loloh cemcem (a typical drink of cemcem leaves or kloncing leaves) and tipat cantok (food like diamonds and boiled vegetables which are then served with spices). peanuts), to cultural festivals.

In the village, according to Asri, almost 80% of the population sells, then works in the tourism sector or becomes a civil servant.

“During the pandemic, it’s undeniable that the majority of the residents here sell goods, so let’s go from here. There are people here who are also civil servants, I really feel like during the pandemic,” he said.

However, Astri did not give up working with her husband to support her small family with two children. Their lives are slowly returning to normal when in December 2020, Penglipuran Village is reopened to tourists with strict COVID-19 health protocols.

Karang memadu
Apart from the issue of equal emancipation between men and women who work together in the family, in Panglipuran Village, not many people know that the village has customary rules, which are prohibited from practicing polygamy or polyandry.

The village has its own place, namely Karang Memedu, a place of isolation in the village for polygamy and polyandry practitioners. This place is specially located at the foot of Penglipuran Village.

“First, our parents here, our ancestors said that if you want to live in harmony in one family, one wife and one husband is enough. Next, for emancipation, or let’s say respecting human rights, namely gender equality,” said Penglipuran Village Tourism Executive Head, Nengah Moneng.

Nengah said this was agreed upon by the adat members themselves and became awig-awig (manners). There are three levels of population in Penglipuran Village, namely krama (citizen) of the traditional village, krama guest, and guest. The rule only binds to the manners of the traditional village even though the domicile is outside the village.

“It will remain tied. We also have family in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, as long as he is still bound as a member of krama, we will continue to maintain it,” said Nengah.

The population in Penglibpuran Village is approximately 1,111 people, with almost equal numbers of women and men. The women in the village are very productive. Although they play a household role, there are also those who are craftsmen, sellers of flower seeds, farming and raising livestock. In addition, there are those who sell their works that are sold online.

“Women or men must collaborate in their respective households and maintain a primary life,” he said.

Suitable for women and children
In Bangli Regency itself, it is currently trying to create a district that is suitable for children and women, even though it has been carried out for a long time and has been passed down by tradition.

In addition, the Head of the Bangli Regency Population Control, Family Planning, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (DP2KBP3A), I Wayan Jimat assessed that Penglipuran Village can become a Women-Friendly and Child Care Village (DRPPA) launched by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection and the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration.

He said that in implementing the DRPPA, his party would coordinate with regional leaders, especially village officials and local traditional village leaders.

“The role of the village is very significant in carrying out our programs in women’s empowerment and child protection, one example here is called Karang Medudu,” he said.

Karang Memadu itself, according to him, is an effective way to form a village order that is friendly to women and cares about children. The perpetrators were given a place of seclusion that was very different from the other houses.

“In the context of adat (culture), the difference between being in the coral house is a tremendous shame. It is very effective in preventing polygamy, the corals combine to become empty,” he said.

With the customary sanctions, it is hoped that there will be a peaceful and comfortable life for the villagers.

I Wayan Jimat said that the latest data in terms of self-assessment has reached an assessment of 836 from the five clusters they carried out.

There is great hope that life in Penglipuran Village is not only crowned as the cleanest village in the world, but also a peaceful and safe village to be a place for women’s empowerment and child protection.

It is hoped that Penglipuran Village will become an example for other regions to make the State of Indonesia minimize victims of patriarchal culture, as well as reduce victims of violence that are often experienced by women and children, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. [antaranews]