THE TOURISM progress that Indonesia wants to achieve cannot only be boosted by one party, but requires collaboration from many people.

According to the General Chairperson of the Association of Indonesian Tourism Players (ASPPI), Agus Pahlevi in ​​a webinar, Thursday (1/20) said tourism progress is the result of synergy and collaboration from various parties. Tourism is the future of economic improvement for the Indonesian people, which is built together and the results are shared.

“So, right when local governments in all provinces are competing to declare themselves to be tourist destinations, with the hope that many tourists will visit, the economic impact will be felt by the people,” he said.

He explained that Indonesia has a unique landscape and diversity of cultural traditions, invaluable assets, and great potential to become classy and quality tourism. Quality tourism is concerned with four factors, namely it can improve the welfare and happiness of the local community, can provide satisfaction to tourists, be sustainable and develop.

“Local people who feel the positive impact of tourism will certainly be able to become good hosts and provide satisfaction to visitors. In the future, tourism must apply the concept of ecotourism, namely community empowerment-based development so that knowledge transfer occurs, conserving cultural traditions, economic equity and achieving tourist satisfaction,” Agus Pahlevi remarked.

Meanwhile, facilities such as good access, good amenities as well as good attractions will provide an unforgettable experience for tourists. On the other hand, all aspects of tourism must also be sustainable.

“Tourists who come must come back with new tourists. In addition, businesses in the field of tourism to the community must also be maintained and increased. Likewise, the preservation of nature, tradition and culture is maintained for the balance of the ecosystem,” he noted.

Collaboration, he continued, is to innovate in creating products that adapt to the current conditions of tourists so as to achieve quality tourism. [antaranews/photo special]