BY DISPLAYING sketch artwork of the talented artist, Donald Saluling, entitled “Travel at Home”, which will take visitors into the story presented in an exhibition at ArtSpace, ARTOTEL Casa Kuningan from June 22 to August 4, 2024.

Donald Saluling is an artist who, apart from creating works of art, illustration and design, also engages in drawing directly on location as a form of storytelling and daily notes.

According to Donald at the press conference for the opening of the exhibition (06/22), 2024, said the activities that I have been involved in since 2009 were not carried out for commercial reasons, but rather for personal contemplation and my concern for the art of reporting, communicative and inclusive.

“There are many sketches that I have produced on various trips out of town or abroad, there are many images that I aspire to in my daily life as a resident of the city of Jakarta by taking time to use our five senses to truly appreciate the concept of ‘home’ in its connotation of impressions. and impressions,” he said.

However, when asked if he was more interested in sketch art, Donald replied that in order to know all about people’s lives, we only need to take the time to record our own history in simple ways, including writing, drawing and sharing stories. So, in my exhibition, “Travel at Home,” I invite us to enjoy our own ‘home’ as honestly as possible.

“For me, sketch art is generally known as the first basic drawing that is quickly made to start a work of fine art, such as a painting. Therefore, sketches are very important in the creative world. Sketches are not only used to design a visual medium, it can also be an environmental arrangement such as environmental planning and the design of visitor flow at exhibitions depicted through sketches,” he remarked.

He explained that each painting offers a reflective power about oneself and the current social conditions of urban society. Just look at the series of sketch paintings that I am exhibiting here, which show the progress and journey of development, especially in the city of Jakarta. I often travel from South Jakarta to North Jakarta for work.

Meanwhile, Windi Salomo, ARTOTELGroup’s ART Director, said ARTOTEL Casa Kuningan was deliberate. The exhibition space at ArtSpace Casa Kuningan is not very large, which is well-suited to Donald Saluling’s sketch works, which feature relatively small painting frames.

She elaborated that Donald Saluling, a graduate of Fine Arts and Graphic Design at Portland University in Portland, United States, has spent over a decade exploring sketch art. He has now spontaneously carried out a creative process which is expressed in several works displayed in this exhibition.

“The process of drawing on location enabled him to develop a more nuanced approach to observation, relating to and recording his surroundings in a way that enhanced his ability to tell stories,” she noted.

Windi concluded that it is a great pleasure to be able to announce that in mid-2024 we will be able to present the first sketch art exhibition at ARTOTEL Casa Kuningan, which will add a new dimension to Indonesian fine arts and aligns with the ARTOTELGroup’s mission to continue to support talented local artists in Indonesia through our art exhibitions. []