THE COORDINATING Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment as well as the Java-Bali implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) Coordinator, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan revealed a number of entry requirements for foreign tourists to Bali in line with the opening of international flights to the Island of the Gods on 14 October.

In an online press conference in Jakarta, Monday (10/11), Luhut said that the opening of Bali is expected to be able to gradually restore the economy. The opening of international flights to Bali which will be carried out this week is expected to be able to gradually restore Bali’s economy, which is still far below pre-pandemic conditions.

“However, as directed by President Jokowi, the opening of Bali must still be carried out with caution even though the COVID-19 case has been sloping. Still, the RT (calculation of the rate of spread of the corona virus) is still not below 1. But we hope that this week it will be below one,” he remarked.

Luhut also revealed President Jokowi’s direction to tighten arrival protocols at entrances. Likewise, quarantine management and vaccination achievement targets need to be pursued. In Bali, there is only one area that we need to improve, namely Gianyar, which currently has only 38% of its elderly vaccinated. We are targeting 40% in the next few days.

In order to ensure that there is no increase in cases in Bali, the government has also tightened requirements ranging from pre-departure requirements to on arrival requirements.

The following are pre-arrival requirements, namely: (1). Comes from a country with level 1 and 2 confirmation cases with a positivity rate below 5%, (2). Negative results of the RT-PCR test whose samples are taken a maximum of 3 times 24 hours before the departure time, (3). Proof of complete vaccination with the second dose carried out at least 14 days before departure and written in English other than the language of the country of origin, (4). Health insurance with a minimum coverage value of US$100 thousand and covers COVID-19 coverage, (5). Proof of accommodation payment confirmation while in Indonesia and from accommodation providers or third parties.

Meanwhile, the conditions for arrival are determined as follows: (1). Filling out E-HAC via PeduliLindung application, (2). Carry out the RT-PCR test on arrival at their own expense, where travelers can wait for the test results at the accommodation that has been reserved.

“If the result is negative, then the traveler can quarantine in a quarantine place that has been reserved for 5 days. Then do PCR on day 4 at night. If the result is negative then on day 5 you can get out of quarantine,” Luhut stated.

Luhut explained, specifically for Indonesian citizens or Indonesian citizens who came from abroad, they were also treated to quarantine for 5 days. The 5-day rule is carried out because the possibility of contagion has been lower than 5 days. Why 5 days? Because we calculated the incubation period was 4.8 days. So, the risk is lower. [antaranews]