INDONESIA has a myriad of stunning tourist destinations spread across the country. Most of these tourist destinations are not only famous among domestic tourists, but also in the eyes of the world.

Thanks to the power of today’s digital era, especially social media, these destinations in Indonesia are becoming increasingly popular so that they are the talk of many people in cyberspace. Here are two popular destinations in Indonesia that can be added to your list of visits for your next vacation trip:

Nepal van Java, Central Java
You don’t have to go all the way to Nepal to see people’s houses that seem to pile up on the slopes of a mountain. Need hamlet on the slopes of Mount Sumbing, Magelang, Central Java, offers a similar view. If Nepal presents a backdrop of Mount Everest, the view presented by Nepal van Java in Indonesia is Mount Sumbing.

Come when the weather is sunny or in the morning so you can enjoy the beautiful blend of the attractive Dusun Need settlement, plus the green slopes of Mount Sumbing against the backdrop of a stunning blue sky. Also make sure the vehicle you are carrying or riding is strong uphill and the brakes don’t fail, because there are a lot of inclines.

In Nepal van Java, you can take pictures to upload to social media to explore the plantations of local residents. If you want to stay overnight, don’t worry, you can find a number of inns just by walking in the surrounding area.

Gili Trawangan, West Nusa Tenggara
The natural charm of Gili Trawangan is endless. No wonder this place is one of the places in Indonesia that is visited by many domestic and international tourists. Entering Gili Trawangan, you and other tourists are not allowed to explore the area by car or motorbike.

This is because Gili Trawangan is a motorized-free area and is known as a pollution-free area. It’s a good idea to rent a bicycle or use a cidomo -a type of carriage – to explore the area.

You can swim or dive by the ocean to enjoy the beauty of Gili Trawangan’s typical marine ecosystem, one of which is seeing the beauty of blue coral which is very rare in the world. After that, you can enjoy Lombok specialties at affordable prices at a number of culinary huts.

In the afternoon, there’s nothing wrong with just sitting on the beach waiting for the sun to set. Furthermore, you can hang out with other tourists in a number of cafes there to complete the holiday period. [sources/photo special]